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Green Beauty Provides Brands With New Opportunities, And Challenges

December 28, 2016: 12:00 AM EST
A blog post from Euromonitor International says that developments in digital social communication allow consumers to get better information on the health impact of beauty product ingredients and also their social and environmental impact. This provides new opportunities for new product formulations, positioning and benefits.’ Green beauty’ has many social and environmental perspectives, but consumer preference for ingredients that are derived naturally is still a key driver. ‘Healthy beauty’ is getting a broader remit, with beauty brands extending into fitness and relaxation. ‘Clean labeling’ is another food and beverage trend with relevance for beauty, and beauty brands are seeking a simpler, more back-to-basics approach: fewer and more natural ingredients. The focus on ingredients also provides opportunities for brands looking to conform to certain religious values, and the demand for halal-certified beauty products has seen steady growth in some markets with affluent Muslim populations. The impact of environmental pollution on skin is opening up opportunities for beauty products that address these concerns, but proving efficacy in this respect remains a challenge for brands. In a broader operational sense, consumers want to know that brands are also serious about corporate and social responsibility, and brands are looking, for example, to develop affordable alternatives for ingredients used in regions where water is scarce. ‘Green beauty’ faces many difficult challenges, but demand will be there for green beauty products that can meet the requirements of the more conscious consumer, but without compromising on performance.
Ildiko Szalai, "The Broadening Meaning of ‘Green’ Beauty Opens New Growth Platforms", Euromonitor International, December 28, 2016, © Euromonitor
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